Richard Branson and the art of delegation

Richard Branson and the art of delegation

“It is possible to turn dyslexia into a positive rather than a negative. I learned to focus on the things I was good at and delegate other tasks, a skill that set me in good stead to develop the whole Virgin Group. Having dyslexia means having to trust others to help you with tasks or do them on your behalf – this ability to let go is vital for entrepreneurs.” ~Richard Branson, famous dyslexic

Possible Accommodations

Possible Accommodations

Students with dyslexia often need accommodations in order to complete the same assignments as other students. But what accommodations should you request?

Keep in mind that accommodations do not alter the content of assignments, give students an unfair advantage, or change what a test measures. They simply make it possible for students with dyslexia to show what they know.

Here are a few possible accommodations taken from an article by NCLD (