Word Play & Learn! app

“Word Play & Learn!” is a new app designed by Justin Smith, a father who has dyslexia. “Being dyslexic and as someone who struggled to read myself – last year I decided to create an app to help my son (2 years) learn to talk.” Here is Justin’s story:
“I have always hated reading ever since I can remember. This is my short story …
I can remember my parents making me read out aloud in the kitchen while my mum cooked and while they had my best interest at heart – I really feel (now) forcing me to read was not the best way to engage me.
My parents bought me a BBC (B) computer back in the 80s – which I must say was the start of my love for computers / technology.
Starting by playing games, but I soon wanted more lives. My 1st coding attempt was to change nearly all the “3” (for 3 lives) – till i managed to get it to work. Hours of fun trying.
I found that I just don’t get the same hate, reluctance etc when viewing words (code) on a computer. This was my breakthrough.
I feel getting starting early, using technology really helped me.
My 1st born arrived just under 6 years ago and is a rapid developer. She was walking at 9 months, and talking very early on. When my 2nd born arrived he developed walking around 10 months but did not talk as well (at the same time) – so I decided to create my app.
The core idea was to help him repeat the words I said and to use it to introduce new words / objects. I added sound effects and a game to keep him interested (On average 10 minutes is the expected playing time). I used my daughter’s voice to give him a new perspective.
I was keen not to have adverts, allow offline working and to keep it very kid friendly.
Most recently, for my daughter – I added “telling the time” and for my son I added “at the beach” and “basic shapes”.”

College honor society

I remember mom crying because my brother couldn’t spell his name in 3rd grade. She was afraid dyslexia would keep him and me from ever having a future. Yesterday, she cried again when Scott was inducted into the national college honor society as a freshman! This time, they were happy tears. She isn’t afraid anymore. ~Alex

honor society

Dyslexic Kids heads to NASA!

Great news! Both of the founders of Dyslexic Kids – Scott Forsythe and Alexandra Forsythe – have been selected by NASA to be paid engineering interns at NASA Langley this summer! Scott is a college freshman working toward a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from Purdue. He will be continuing the work he began last summer at NASA – software development for the next generation weather satellite. Alex is a junior in high school but she has already earned over a year’s worth of college credit through AP tests and dual credit courses. She will be working on the electrical and computer engineering sides of the satellite project.
Never let dyslexia hold you back! Reach for the stars, and you may get to work with an organization that actually does reach for the stars!


Trint transcription

Trint is a fast transcription system that could be a handy tool for school lectures and note taking:

“Drag your sound file onto the upload page and it’ll let you know when it’s done.

When it comes back to you, usually in a shorter time than it took to record the interview or meeting, and always in much less time than it would take to transcribe it, it’s as a piece of interactive text on screen.”
