Tests Used to Diagnose Dyslexia

Tests Used to Diagnose Dyslexia

If your child displays some of the symptoms of dyslexia, especially if there is a family history, how can you confirm your suspicion that he or she has dyslexia? Very few schools can or will test for dyslexia. You will most likely need to hire a specially trained professional yourself. Also, most of us are required to take several tests, not just one. Here is a comprehensive list of the tests most commonly used to diagnose dyslexia: http://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu/dyslexics/learn-about-dyslexia/dyslexia-testing/tests

Early signs of dyslexia

Early signs of dyslexia

Did you suspect your child had a unique mind even as an infant/toddler? Looking back, do you think there were very early signs of dyslexia? You may be right. The University of Western Sydney is running a study to determine whether it is possible to detect signs of dyslexia in babies. The goal: provide early diagnosis and intervention and avoid years of difficulty. Read more here: http://www.camdenadvertiser.com.au/story/1467186/study-to-target-evidence-of-dyslexia-in-early-development/?cs=2066